Video Production Trends of 2021

Video Production Trends of 2021

2021 was an year of unprecedented innovations and strategies in the world of business videos. Keeping up with the ever-evolving landscape of the nature of business videos, here are some groundbreakers that have emerged as the heroes of the video communications industry.

Interactive Videos: These took the world by storm in 2020 but soon became a full-blown trend that engages, enthralls and eases into the industry. This type of video allows the user to pick courses of action and decide the screenplay. These videos are entering the corporate video arena from mainstream and it is an exciting prospect to look out for in 2022!

Live Videos: Live videos dominated the video production space left, right and center across all major platforms, right from YouTube to Instagram to LinkedIn. User experience while a live video is going on is augmented by live editing that just takes it to the next level. Check out this collated video of a live event.

Animation Based Videos: If you’ve been around for the last years, you’d have noticed how infographic videos have been instrumental in bringing animation to the centerstage. It adds a certain visual drama that is hard to match elsewhere. 2021 maintained the obsession with animation style videos. Check out a fine version down below

Social Media Videos: Touted as of the fastest growing phenomenon in recent times, social media’s growth and shift to videos definitely changed the video production trajectory for a lot of people. This trend is expected to stay relevant in 2022 also.

Training/Instructional Videos: Organizations faced an unprecedented challenge when offices, facilities and factories shut down. From this point, the need to have detailed training and induction videos for corporates arose. And this trend seems to be a positive change that will continue to develop in the year 2022.

Want to know what will rule the video space in 2022 and get that first mover’s advantage? Keep an eye out at this little space right here!