Tips to Ace Video Testimonials

video testimonials

If you have found yourself being drawn to buy a certain product or avail yourself of a service in today’s predominant age of social media, chances are your decision was driven by a video that convinced you. Welcome to the world of Video Testimonials. Currently pegged to be one of the most successful and trusted […]

Implementing Infrastructure Shoots for Manufacturing Videos

manufacturing videos

Setting up a manufacturing facility is no small feat; it requires an investment worth million to finally get the ball rolling on production. If you own such a facility and are fancying creating a video on it, the viewers and potential business prospects would be keen to get a glimpse of the facility from close […]

What Makes a Video Testimonial Click?


Video testimonials are a clear favorite with the marketers for building credibility and hype in the market around their offering. It could be as little as a 15-second personalized video from a loyal customer or a professionally done video capturing their experience for the world to see. Video testimonials provide an authentic take on the […]