Understanding The Unparalleled Impact of Video Marketing

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make but the stories that you tell” – Seth Godin, American Author on Marketing Practices. If I ask you when was the last time you saw a video ad or promotion, you could quickly come up with examples like while watching a subscription-based channel or a […]

Foolproof Video Marketing Mantras

foolproof video marketing mantras

Video Marketing is somewhat of an enigma, primarily owing to the ever-changing algorithms that video sharing platforms seem to be launching at break-neck speed. But you know what they say about oldies, they seldom change; these video marketing mantras are nothing but a bunch of tried and tested, everlasting oldies you can fall back on […]

How to Lower the Cost of Corporate Video Production Without Conceding Quality?

Videos have replaced websites to convey first impression of a business and its offerings according to Robert Weiss, NYC based marketer. Hubspot 2020 global survey confirmed that 72% users want to learn about a product or service through explainer videos further reinforcing the unmatched user engagement created by video marketing. Moreover, the best feature of modern […]

The Proven Approach to Conduct Captivating Interviews for B2B Marketing Videos

Interviews and monologues are the soul of an effective corporate video. The impact of a real person looking through the screen to convey a genuine message is lasting and thought provoking. Video production tools, software, graphics and special effects can merely enhance the influence of monologue delivery. They cannot replace it. Authentic human expression is […]

Remote Video Production: 7 powerful types of videos that can be shot online

Traditional marketing and advertising received an unforeseen blow by the Covid-19 pandemic. Worldwide cancellation of events, mandatory social distancing, and prohibited travel drove the whole world online. In 2020, people of every demographic not only logged in for work from their homes but also for respite, entertainment and education. Consumer attention has escalated online and […]

The Shift to Infographic Videos Amid These Uncertain Times

Right now, companies are scrambling to implement creative ideas not only to stay productive but also to keep the marketing and sales efforts going. In a remote world, bound by ‘social distancing’ and ‘stay at home’ protocols, infographic videos are a great opportunity to tell your brand story and get the attention it deserves. During […]

Leverage LinkedIn Live to Maximize Brand Visibility and Engagement

Stating that LinkedIn is a powerhouse social network for B2B decision-makers is a wild understatement. In a world where companies grapple with new business development, lead quality, and lead generation, LinkedIn opens doors to an audience of over 690 million in more than 200 countries. Upping the game, LinkedIn launched LinkedIn Live in 2017. Since […]

Do you have any SEO Strategy for Your Videos?

Do you have any SEO strategy for videos? Did you know that the content marketing landscape has drastically changed in past few years? Information overload has led to decreased attention span, higher bounce rates, dropouts, desperate fight for traffic and much more. Your text content is becoming redundant and so is its SEO. Video is […]

Ingredients that Make a Corporate Film Successful

Video – The Future of Content Marketing Reducing attention span is creating enormous challenges for marketers to keep the users hooked and provide maximum information in the least possible time. The attention span is now driving the design thinking, web strategy, content marketing and much more. Our brains love videos because they are programmed to […]