Guide to Summarizing Your Webpage into a Video

The world is moving towards videos as a preferred mode of information consumption in the wake of a shorter attention span (as much as 40% reduction). A study states that a person is 32% more likely to watch a video explaining the concept rather than read about it.

As a company proving goods and services, you’re going to be hard-pressed to stay relevant unless there are videos in your content mix. And what better way to make inland to the format than through a short vlog style video. Essentially, a vlog is nothing but a blog in video format using various graphical elements at its disposal. Such elements include but are not limited to graphs, stock images, supers, background music, templates, etc.

The charm of a vlog lies in the fact that it appeals to one’s visual senses and triggers a stimulus that engages our brain and initiates connections that make us remember the detail.

That said, here’s a guide to converting your webpage into a 1-minute summary video –

  1. Scrutinize the webpage: The webpage you wish to convert into a video should have certain pre-requisites to qualify for the conversion. One, it should have a reasonably clear subject matter. Two, the subject matter should have a defined beginning, middle body, and end. These points, though not mandatory, greatly elevate the flow and quality of the subsequent vlog.
  2. Prepare a script: Converting a webpage into a script is the most crucial step in this process. Ideally, the script should lie anywhere between one-third to one-fourth of the entire subject matter, almost like a precis. A compact script not only provides a direction to the video but also leaves room for the graphical representation of data.

    Prepare a script

  3. Do the dry run: Once the script is finalized, next comes the dry run which is essential to determine the length of a video, identify and eliminate weak spots that need tighter delivery, and overall get a look and feel of the vlog.

    Do the dry run

  4. Final Shoot and Editing: The final leg of the process is culminated into the shooting process and editing the footage to make it into engaging and value-driven collateral. Editing is what adds the X-factor to the video. Sprucing up the content with flow charts, connective images and callouts greatly adds to the appeal of the video, as demonstrated in our recent vlog below.


You can get your hands on such power-packed vlogs with these handy tips and soon you will have your video library ready.