How to beautify a Remote Video

A remote video is only as good as its production or rather post-production value. While it may seem like a no-brainer to have swanky edits loaded with graphics embellishing the videos, it takes an eye for details to have a truly stunning remote video.

Let’s explore how you can get your hands on a well-made remote video-

  1. Customized Call-outs: The more custom-made the call out, the better its appeal. Incorporating logo designs, logo architecture, and colors within the call-out bar, inserting symbols and fading out the ends of the call-out, keeping it minimal or catchy – all of this brings about a cohesiveness to the call-out as well as the whole video.
  2. Data to the rescue: Data is indeed the new gold. And if your remote video features data, it is imperative to include infographic elements like charts, mind-maps, bars, and graphs with the help of supers. Presenting the data in a concise and accessible manner greatly adds to the value of the video and stands to soar in viewership.
  3. High-end swanky Edits: Often times swanky edits like innovative use of b-rolls, playing with the audio and video, using stock footages, experimenting with graphics, plexuses and even typefaces can infuse much-needed life into your otherwise plain-Jane remote video.
  4. Stay on top of Trends: As much as we’re the crusaders of evergreen and timeless video styles that can be repurposed, it doesn’t hurt to keep your options open and hop on a trend for video edits. For example, stomp as a video style has been doing rounds lately and if you’re looking for a fast-paced video template, choosing stomp would immediately elevate the video.

Remote Videos are an essential part of the marketing mix and their production has skyrocketed over the last year. So much so, that nearly 70% of corporate events, launches, and conferences are taking place remotely. Such dynamic changes call for an investment in well-crafted, designed, and edited remote videos.

Without an iota of doubt, these should feature in your asset arsenal!