What Makes a Video Testimonial Click?

Video testimonials are a clear favorite with the marketers for building credibility and hype in the market around their offering. It could be as little as a 15-second personalized video from a loyal customer or a professionally done video capturing their experience for the world to see. Video testimonials provide an authentic take on the service/product to the potential customer. It is the unique mix of thought-out words of praise, facial expressions, and body language displayed in the video that make it quite credible and effective as a marketing tool. Now let us see through the following examples of how to make a video testimonial click, convert and drive mileage for your organization or solution. In the above video, it is the ease of which the speaker has given the testimonial in that takes the cake. Notice how seamlessly the sentences flow without any hint of it being scripted. This allows the viewer to feel connected to the person in the video and makes a convincing case for the product/service in question. The key takeaway here is to let the client be themselves and capture their honest opinions and reactions in their working environment for maximum trust-building. Let us look at another testimonial video, this one being from a Healthcare institution: What sets this video apart is the frequent use of call-outs throughout the video to drive home the crucial points about the service delivered. In cases where the client takes some time to warm up to the camera, it always works to emphasize their words by reiterating them through accompanying visuals and call-outs throughout the video. Repetition helps to imprint the testimonial in customer’s mind and ultimately works in the favour of service provider. This next testimonial is from a European software developer client. Here you can observe that the customer is speaking his mind and challenging the sweet-talk notion of testimonials: There is no better example to demonstrate how a well-thought-out reaction hits home when it comes to creating outstanding video testimonials. The lesson here being that trust the wisdom of your client and let them unleash their experience in the most authentic manner that they know. It is authenticity that will win you your next crop of customers. This next video proves that there are always ways to create a high-quality video testimonial even when odds are stacked against it: What works out in this case is the use of actual video footage that showcases the video production capability of the team. Testimonials set against real video shots make the whole thing crisp, easy-to-digest and sincere. In conclusion, video testimonials are the most convincing, engaging and the preferred form of content for over three billion users worldwide. All it takes is to make some smart moves behind and in front of the camera to let the authenticity, genuineness and quality of your service shine through and make an everlasting impression in the mind of the viewers.