Tips to Ace Video Testimonials

video testimonials

If you have found yourself being drawn to buy a certain product or avail yourself of a service in today’s predominant age of social media, chances are your decision was driven by a video that convinced you. Welcome to the world of Video Testimonials. Currently pegged to be one of the most successful and trusted […]

Implementing Infrastructure Shoots for Manufacturing Videos

manufacturing videos

Setting up a manufacturing facility is no small feat; it requires an investment worth million to finally get the ball rolling on production. If you own such a facility and are fancying creating a video on it, the viewers and potential business prospects would be keen to get a glimpse of the facility from close […]

What Makes a Video Testimonial Click?


Video testimonials are a clear favorite with the marketers for building credibility and hype in the market around their offering. It could be as little as a 15-second personalized video from a loyal customer or a professionally done video capturing their experience for the world to see. Video testimonials provide an authentic take on the […]

Foolproof Video Marketing Mantras

foolproof video marketing mantras

Video Marketing is somewhat of an enigma, primarily owing to the ever-changing algorithms that video sharing platforms seem to be launching at break-neck speed. But you know what they say about oldies, they seldom change; these video marketing mantras are nothing but a bunch of tried and tested, everlasting oldies you can fall back on […]

Music to my Ears- How to choose the Right Soundtrack for your Videos

corporate video production

Have you ever tried watching a video without a soundtrack or better still ever watched a fast-paced video with smooth jazz as the background score? Seems terribly odd, right? That’s what a mismatched soundtrack can do to your video – derail it completely and bring down your views and engagement metrics. Fortunately, there are various […]

The True Significance of Video Testimonials

video testimonials

Did you know your business is 40% more likely to attract new clients if you offer video testimonials of your work? Let’s be honest for a minute, everybody enjoys are bit of praise and words of appreciation and a business is no different. Testimonials are important to build trust with the future prospects and it […]

How to Optimize Your Videos for SEO

How to Optimize Your Videos for SEO

Video SEO doesn’t attract as much attention and action as other type of content on the websites. Naturally, it remains an area with potential to kickstart the onslaught of positive traffic and correctly done,Video SEO gives you a boost in rankings, which allows more people to see your site, which means more people will click […]

Video Production Trends of 2021

Video Production Trends of 2021

2021 was an year of unprecedented innovations and strategies in the world of business videos. Keeping up with the ever-evolving landscape of the nature of business videos, here are some groundbreakers that have emerged as the heroes of the video communications industry. Interactive Videos: These took the world by storm in 2020 but soon became […]

Nailing the Thumbnail

Nailing the Thumbnail

The amount of time that we spend on YouTube is a staggering average of 75 minutes a day. Given that data, the number of videos we watch is easily upwards of 6, that makes it at least, if not more, 30 thumbnails. Yes, before we actually click on a video, it takes us an average […]