How to Lower Cost of Corporate Video Production Without Conceding the Quality?

So, you’ve finally decided to hop onto the corporate film bandwagon. You’re excited about the swanky new video of your manufacturing plant, about how it’s going to build on your marketing efforts. But you’re worried about the moolah it’s going to cost you. Let’s understand what constitutes a corporate film to be able to break […]

Guide to Summarizing Your Webpage into a Video

The world is moving towards videos as a preferred mode of information consumption in the wake of a shorter attention span (as much as 40% reduction). A study states that a person is 32% more likely to watch a video explaining the concept rather than read about it. As a company proving goods and services, […]

The Importance of Supers and Callouts

These are the unsung heroes of corporate videos: Supers and Callouts. The little packets of important information flashing across the screen are call-outs. You may have seen these innumerable times but did you know these are essential elements that tie together the whole video. Let us explore the role supers and callouts play in a […]

How to beautify a Remote Video

A remote video is only as good as its production or rather post-production value. While it may seem like a no-brainer to have swanky edits loaded with graphics embellishing the videos, it takes an eye for details to have a truly stunning remote video. Let’s explore how you can get your hands on a well-made […]

Challenges in a Remote Video

brand video

Remote Videos are being touted as a game changer in the video production industry and rightly so. What started off as a temporary solution to the lockdown woes of conducting a physical shoot has now metamorphosed into an entire legitimate branch of video production. And why not, it saves time, money, effort of travelling and […]

Remote Video is Here to Stay

2020 and the novel Covid-19 pandemic have added the word “Remote” to our everyday lives rather dramatically. Teams, businesses, leaders’ summits, launches, events – everything is online. In such a scenario where movement is restricted, travel is prohibited – how does one conduct Leadership interviews, events and meets? Remotely. From the comfort of your home. […]