Infrastructure Shoot – The Most Important Element of a Video for Manufacturing

How to conduct shoot at a manufacturing facility

To stay competitive and maintain desired quality standards, manufacturing companies invest a vast amount of funds on infrastructure and resources. The prospects want to know the infrastructure and focus on quality before partnering, but manufacturing companies often struggle to showcase the production capabilities to the prospects due to the inferior videos for manufacturing and an amateur camera crew.


Here are a few aspects that your existing customers or prospects look for:
  • Quality of raw material
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Staff expertise
  • Quality assurance
  • Cleanliness
  • Research capabilities
  • Company’s vision


How videos can help demonstrate Infrastructure?

A professionally shot crisp video of your business showcasing important machinery, different production lines, R&D lab, and quality assurance create a great impact on your prospects.

Below are some pointers that should be taken care of while doing an infrastructure shoot:

  • Selection of Infrastructure: Select business-critical machinery for the infrastructure shoot since a factory covers vast space and everything cannot be covered in the video.

Infrastructure shoot

It is important to understand the processes and prioritize as the initial 10-15 seconds decides the future of a video, hence, require a lot of attention.
  • Machinery and staff: The camera captures even the minutest detail in the frame. A video can make or break a company’s image. So it becomes extremely important to keep everything presentable in the video.

Machine And Staff

The machinery that is to be featured in the video should be video ready i.e. it should be cleaned, well oiled, and if possible should be well painted and the staff operating the machinery should be presentable and confident.
  • Value-adding moments: Capturing the core functions with plenty of details like close visuals of drilling, CNC cutting, bending, welding, etc.will make the video highly impactful and captures the attention of your audience.

CNC Bending

  • Voiceover: It is equally important to select a voiceover that complements the visuals and builds a human connection with the viewer. Prefer a neutral accent for targeting global audiences


  • Multi-Lingual: Visuals in itself are self-explanatory, and have no language. Changing the voice-over and subtitles to a different language will break the language barrier and expands the reach of video across countries.


  • Graphics & VFX: A plain video with only infrastructure processes looks very dull and boring. Graphics, VFX, attractive transitions, callouts, and other graphic elements will help to make the video more engaging and interesting.

Motion Graphics

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